
The XBEAM network goes beyond the successful achievements of the EuroLumi NA of EuCARD, concentrating on the issues of high-intensity/high-luminosity hadron ion and electron accelerators, where EuroLumi has acquired international recognition. The novelty of this network is to open the platform to all research accelerators that are facing similar issues (excluding Linear Colliders that are covered elsewhere): hadron colliders, high-intensity rings, FFAGs, superconducting hadron and electron linacs. The EuCARD-2 ambition is that this NA truly becomes the brainstorming place for accelerator science.


  1. Coordination and Communication
  2. Extreme colliders (XCOL)
  3. Extreme performance rings (XRING)
  4. Extreme SC linacs (XLINAC)
  5. Extreme polarization (XPOL)

The EuCARD-2 Networks share a common platform for information exchange and collaboration, the EuCAN Coordination of Accelerator Networks.